In Memoriam LAOH

St. Brigid Cross


“May the Smile of God light you to Glory” ~ Irish Blessing

 In Memory of LAOH Division 23 members

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in
the hollow of His hand.


Janelle Donaldson


Patricia McGinley

Lana Y. Kretchun


Lana touched so many lives with her kindness and welcoming spirit.  She will be missed by so many of us.


Beverly McCarthy

Holy Mother Mary, Patroness of America, Lady of Knock, our Golden Rose.

Intercede with your Son on behalf of our beloved sister Beverly.

May Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton of Maryland hold her hand and guide her as the road rises to meet her and lead her to the four green fields in heaven.

May Saint Patrick, Saint Brigid, Saint Ita, and all the Irish saints welcome her to see Christ before her, Christ beside her.

May He hold her in the palm of His hand until we meet with her again.


Ann Killeen Schratz

Dorcas Byrnes


Patricia Gottschalk

Colleen McGinley Ostronic

  Nancy Gallagher

Karen Kane

Edith McCaul

 Terri Brown

 Sara Farraher

 Lois S. Callwood

 Midge Donaldson